Ibm aqua data studio alternative
Ibm aqua data studio alternative

ibm aqua data studio alternative

These different statements can result in the DB2 optimizer choosing different access paths into the database. Often statements can be written in many ways to provide the same result set. If attention is paid to tuning this taxing 20%, serious gains in DB2 and application performance can be made without any hardware upgrades. Experience shows that 20% of the statements are responsible for 80% of the resource usage in most databases. Often new hardware is purchased unnecessarily when application tuning would have resulted in better performance gains at a lower cost.


Without detailed performance statistics, it is impossible to determine if performance problems are due to hardware or software inefficiencies. Thus the proactive DBA has many ways to identify potential bottlenecks and take corrective action before end-users are adversely affected. These statistics may be correlated and viewed by DB2 program, by statement, by user, by time element, and most importantly by resource consumption. It provides 24x7, detailed operating system and DB2 application statistics with low overhead. The Precise Platform facilitates the proactive tuning approach. These metrics give DBAs a complete view of application performance and helps improve end-user response time while maximizing the return on technology investment. The Precise Platform captures, measures, and correlates performance metrics from all crucial system components. The Precise Platform proactively monitors, analyzes, and tunes IBM DB2 databases to keep your DB2 UDB-based applications available and performing at peak efficiency.

Ibm aqua data studio alternative